Vans Scandinavia is excited to drop 6 ½ Hours – the latest video from our Copenhagen/Malmö-based rider, Samuel Norgren.
When getting to know him and his friends from Poetic Collective, we became fascinated by the way they kept on skating in the midst of winter, despite the extremely harsh conditions in Scandinavia. Filming these moments was the base of the film, and what a better way to document them than spending a week in Copenhagen in December, right on the edge of winter solstice.
The title '6 ½ (Hours)' came from the approximative duration of one day in Copenhagen and Malmö at this time of the year. With rain on the program most days, temperatures rarely exceeding 0°C and the sun setting around 3:30PM, you really have to be dedicated to go out and skate.
Although there’s only a certain amount of hail, snow and rain a skateboarder can take.For most skateboarders based in Scandinavia, the annual trip(s) to South is sort of a ritual.Samuel and his comrades at Poetic Collective have a certain love affair with France, and to carry on the series of trips they did in Paris, Samuel flew to Bordeaux to link with friends and fellow Vans team-mates Quentin Boillon and Gary Beesley.A well needed dose of sun & warmth indeed.
Samuel Norgren
Quentin Boillon
Tom Botwid
Johan Bergljung
Gary Beesley
Filming and Editing: Yentl Touboul
Narrated and produced by: Tom Botwid