TNSC x Vague x Vans - Under Revue Tour

set 4, 2019

- Bisk8 Visual -

The summer of 2019 saw Vans, The National Skateboard Co. and Vague Mag officially cross paths for the very first time in order to bring the ‘Under Revue’ tour to life. By adopting the age-old ‘get in the van’ mind-set, across the course four long months, a rotating cast of Vans and The National Skateboard Co. endorsed individuals trekked to towns and cities dotted around in the UK in search of overlooked terrain, visiting our friends in retail and skating with a healthy cross section of locals along the way.

Featuring: Michal Juras, Josh 'Manhead' Young, Josh Gregory, Vaughan Jones, Dan West, Cam Barr, Marius Chanut, Thomas Harrison, Ben Broyd, Aaron Jago, Daryl Dominguez, Sam Roberts and Paul 'Wapo' Watson.

We’d like to extend a large thank you to everyone we bumped into whilst on the road, and to the sterling guys at Welcome, Drug Store, Forty Two, Flatspot and Slam City Skates. Until next time…

Filmed and Edited by: Ryan Gray
Additional Filming: Josh Hallett

Dedicated to Ben Raemers.

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